import torch
# create tensors and enable gradient tracking
# inputs x1,x2
x1 = torch.Tensor([2.0]); x1.requires_grad = True
x2 = torch.Tensor([-.0]); x2.requires_grad = True
# weights w1, w2
w1 = torch.Tensor([-3.0]); w1.requires_grad = True
w2 = torch.Tensor([1.0]); w2.requires_grad = True
# bias of the neurons
b = torch.Tensor([6.8813735870195432]); b.requires_grad = True
# perform the computation: n = x1*w1 + x2*w2 + b
n = x1*w1 + x2*w2 + b
# apply the hyperbolic tangent function to n
o = torch.tanh(n)
# perform backward propagation to compute gradients
print("x1", x1.grad.item())
print("w1", w1.grad.item())
print("x2", x2.grad.item())
print("w2", w2.grad.item())
0.7071067094802856 ------------ x1 -1.5000003576278687 w1 1.000000238418579 x2 0.5000001192092896 w2 -0.0